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The Budget Bible

The Budget Bible is designed to aid individuals with day to day budgeting challenges. Each month The Budget Bible challenges you to take on a new task whether its paying off a debt or understanding the basics of budgeting. Whatever the situation may be The Budget Bible can guide you to stay on track




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About the Authors

Jessica Brant


Grounded in Atlanta's cultural richness, Jessica Brant has carried the essence of her roots to Jacksonville, where she continues to make a positive impact on those around her. Her unique blend of professional acumen, familial devotion, and community engagement reflects a life well-lived and a commitment to leaving a lasting legacy.


Through her writings, Jessica Brant extends her wisdom and experiences, weaving narratives that resonate with the complexities of modern life. Her words serve as a testament to the power of balancing family, career, and community service, inspiring readers to embark on their own journeys of growth and fulfillment.


Join Jessica Brant on a literary journey that combines the richness of Southern culture, the challenges of daily life, and the empowering force of financial knowledge. In each story and lesson, discover the heart and soul of a woman who strives to make a positive impact on the world around her.

Meet Jessica Brant, a talented and multifaceted woman hailing from the vibrant city of Atlanta, Georgia. Currently residing in Jacksonville, Florida, she seamlessly navigates the roles of wife, mother, accountant, and community advocate.


With a heart dedicated to both her family and her community, Brant is a proud mother of three children and the devoted partner of her loving husband. Her family forms the foundation of her inspiration and strength, infusing warmth and compassion into every aspect of her life.


By profession, Jessica is an accomplished accountant who brings precision and expertise to her financial endeavors. Beyond her professional accomplishments, she has a passion for empowering her community through financial literacy. A dedicated advocate for financial education, Brants actively engages with both adults and youth to impart crucial skills and knowledge that pave the way toward financial independence.



Erin's passion for reading fuels her boundless imagination, and now, with her very own book, she invites young readers to join her in the exploration of fantastic adventures. As the pages unfold, discover the incredible worlds that Erin has crafted, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the extraordinary becomes magical.


This first book is just the beginning for Erin Brant, and her journey as an author promises to be filled with laughter, joy, and the limitless possibilities that only a child's imagination can offer. Join Erin on this whimsical adventure, and let the charm of her stories captivate the hearts of readers young and old.


Erin Brant


Meet Erin Brant, a delightful and imaginative 6-year-old girl from the sunny city of Jacksonville, Florida. Although small in size, Erin's heart is filled with big dreams and even bigger stories. Her love for reading and using her vivid imagination has led her on a magical journey to become the author of her very first book.


In the bustling Brant household, Erin shines as the only girl among her three siblings. With creativity bubbling in her every step, Erin brings a unique perspective to her family and the world around her. She is a storyteller at heart, weaving tales that transport readers to enchanting realms filled with wonder and excitement.

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